Become a French speaker in 3 months

Have day-to-day conversations in French without hesitation, without cramming

This course is for you if you want to speak French, and ...

  • You're struggling to make sentences in spoken French, and you have no idea on what you should focus in priority

  • You're loosing your motivation because you struggle to remember what you learn, and you can't make French sentences confidently
  • You hardly find your words, you're struggling with words order, and you're afraid of making a mistake
  • You keep forgetting what you've learned, and you're not improving

  • You'd like to practice your French speaking right from the early stages, but you don't have anyone around you to practice spoken French as you wish, at your level
  • You're struggling to make sentences in spoken French, and you have no idea on what you should focus in priority
  • You're loosing your motivation because you struggle to remember what you learn, and you can't still make French sentences confidently
  • You hardly find your words, you're struggling with words order, and you're afraid of making a mistake

  • You keep forgetting what you've learned, and you're not improving

  • You'd like to practice your French speaking right from the early stages, but you don't have anyone around you to practice spoken French as you wish, at your level

It's normal and it's NOT your fault !

  • Traditional methods are NOT designed to make you talk, because they teach you written French first as a basis, and then regard spoken French as a side effect !
  • A method made to skyrocket your French speaking is a method where you don't spend even one minute without speaking French. So that you internalize the French logic by speaking, with the right priorities
  • Most people think that you should focus on learning by heart conjugation tables, lists of words, or even entire expressions ! Which is perfect to be NOT autonomous, as you hardly get how French works
  • Don't learn words, learn how to express ideas, so you can connect words together into sentences by yourself, and make your own sentences
  • Traditional French courses place the responsability of memorization on the student. That's why they ask you to do homework and to learn words and rules by heart!
  • Whereas it's the job of the course to get you to remember how to make French sentences, with a strategic method and spaced repetition
  • Cramming does NOT work ! Don't waste your time, you need a smart method where you make sentences in spoken French right from the beginning, so you see the first results straight away, and you always keep on improving
  • A good method does not only tell you what you should learn, it MAKES you learn !
  • Traditional methods are NOT designed to make you talk, because they teach you written French first as a basis, and then regard spoken French as a side effect !
  • A method made to skyrocket your French speaking is a method where you don't spend even one minute without speaking French. So that you internalize the French logic by speaking, with the right priorities
  • Most people think that you should focus on learning by heart conjugation tables, lists of words, or even entire expressions ! Which is perfect to be NOT autonomous, as you hardly get how French works
  • Don't learn words, learn how to express ideas, so you can connect words together into sentences by yourself, and make your own sentences
  • Traditional French courses place the responsibility of memorization on the student. That's why they ask you to do homework and to learn words and rules by heart!
  • Whereas it's the job of the course to get you to remember how to make French sentences, with a strategic method and spaced repetition
  • Cramming does NOT work ! Don't waste your time, you need a smart method where you make sentences in spoken French right from the beginning, so you see the first results straight away, and you always keep on improving
  • A good method does not only tell you what you should learn, it MAKES you learn !

So do you want to

  • Learn to make French sentences straight away, and be able to have daily conversations in French in 3 months ?
  • Get how to build sentences in spoken French with the right words order, and become autonomous thanks to an easy-to-follow guided practice ?
  • Learn spoken French by being properly guided, all the time, from zero, with a stimulating method where you make French sentences right from the beginning ?
  • Learn at your own pace, with a whole course made of mini lessons of 10 minutes, easy to follow, when you want and where you want ?
  • Practice your French speaking, in a smart way, with spaced repetition, so you're always reinforcing your French speaking, and you never forget what you learn ?

This is exactly what I propose you with Spoken French Now

What the first students say about the course:

I love your program !

I am learning how to speak, which is different from everything I’ve been learning -thank you !! I am very pleased that I signed up for your course.

And I love that you touch in with your students and answer questions so it is like I have a teacher on the other end of the program !



I am enjoying the course immensely.

I signed up for this course because I have been studying French for a couple of years and when I was in France this year I found it difficult to both understand French speakers and trying to find the many words I knew to speak French.

I saw you on TikTok and then on YouTube and finally decided to spend the money. I am quite happy with my purchase. Your method is forcing me to think in French and I think it is going to help a lot to engage in conversation with others in French. Other methods I have tried do not do that or are at a higher level of French (B1,B2) where it is too difficult.


Delaware, USA

* These are reviews from students who have followed the first 10 modules (over 30) of the course so far

What people say about my method on my free masterclass:

What people say about my method on socials:

With Spoken French Now

  • You get the perfect course for beginners in French to A2 level French learners who still can't speak French confidently
  • You transform yourself into a French speaker in 3 months, by focusing on expressing ideas in French, not words, and by practicing making French sentences with a timer on all grammar points of the A2 level
  • You are completely guided, from lesson 1 to the end of the course. So you just have to play the videos, one after the other, and make the sentences in French

  • You manage to make proper French sentences right from the beginning, with words in the right order, because I guide you step by step, from easy sentences to more complex sentences, and you're always practicing your French speaking
  • You see by yourself that it works straight away because you make French sentences straight away, and you become able to make your own sentences
  • You don't have to worry about homework, there is NO homework. I'm always guiding you, I take your hand to get you to say French sentences confidently
  • As we always do both sentences that you've learned and new sentences, you remember what you learn and you keep your motivation
  • You'll be able to have all the basic daily French conversations that can come up in France


  • Your goal is to express yourself in spoken French, so you're going to make sentences in French from lesson 1
  • If you don't, that means that you would waste your time learning by heart lists of words or writting some French rules, without making any progress in spoken French
  • So instead of learning too many words without knowing what to do with them, you're going to make French sentences from lesson 1, in order to get used to connect words together into sentences, by focusing on expressing ideas in French
  • That's how you will become autonomous in French and able to make your own sentences
  • This way of learning is the Guided Speaking Method
  • As you need to get used to make French sentences, I will explain you how to make sentences, first really simple ones. I won't make the sentences for you, I just explain how to make a sentence, I just guide you, then I ask you to make a sentence, and you make the sentence in French by yourself, then I say the sentence in French
  • With the Guided Speaking Method, as you always have to make sentences by yourself, you always need to THINK of what you want to say: that's the KEY to your TRANSFORMATION into a French speaker!
  • As you focus on my explanations and on the sentences that you have to say, and you actually make the sentences, you acquire the French language
  • And as I ask you regularly to make a mix of sentences that you can make and new sentences that I explain to you, you can always reuse what you learned without forgetting and you're always stimulated by the new sentences

  • But that's no enough!
  • You also need to get used to speak French confidently even in stressful situations! That's why we alternate guided speaking sessions with speed training sessions
  • If you only make French sentences without stakes, you still may be freezing in real life when you need to speak French
  • So you're going to practice making sentences with a time goal to be ready to speak French anytime!
  • This way of practicing is the Speed Training Method
  • In speed training sessions, I ask you to make very short sentences in a row. In each session, we focus on a grammar point, I say a short sentence in English, you have 4 seconds to say it in French, I say the correction in French, and I directly say the next one in English, etc.
  • The repetition and the time goal will create a reflex for each grammar point in your French speaking
  • And that's how you will master every grammar point of the A2 level in spoken French: the more you do it, the less you have to think about it to express yourself in French.


  • You are completely guided, from lesson 1 to the end of the course
  • So you just have to play the videos, one after the other, and make the sentences in French

  • Spoken French Now is a course in video format that you can follow anytime and everywhere with your computer, tablet and smartphone
  • Once you join Spoken French Now, you get the first 4 French lessons (6 hours total). The lessons are divided into videos of around 10 minutes that you can easily follow
  • For 3 months, you get 2 new lessons per week (30 lessons total), and you keep a lifetime access to all the lessons

  • The whole course is already structured with guided speaking sessions and speed training sessions in the right order, so you'll do:
  • Guided speaking sessions: you just have to follow the videos, one after the other, and make the French sentences the way I explain. Thus you learn spoken French and improve your knowledge by practicing
  • Speed training sessions: between guided speaking sessions, you practice short sentences with a timer, so you get the reflexes to say French sentences

  • I guide you all along the course through the videos so that you never get stuck
  • We cover all the grammar points of the A2 level in spoken French, and once you've done all the lessons you can have day-to-day conversations in French
  • You can do the whole course at your own pace


  • Yes, of course !
  • By joining Spoken French Now, you get 2 live 1:1 French lessons with me

  • So we'll do customised French lessons, where I'll answer your questions and correct your pronunciation if you need

What's the price of Spoken French Now ?

  • The whole course will transform you into a French speaker and contains more than 30 hours of video lessons
  • So this live course would be €1,500 (30 hours at €50/h). But as it's a video course, it's worth €750, plus the bonus
  • And I'll probably offer a discount for the next session. You can send me a message below and I'll let you know when you can join

30 days warranty

Don't take any risk

If you realise that it's not for you, that you don't like it, just send me an email and I pay you back in full


  • When you join Spoken French Now, you get the first 4 lessons. Then for 3 months, you get 2 new lessons every week
  • All the lessons are broken into mini lessons (guided speaking and speed training) of around 10 minutes
  • You get a life time access to all the lessons
  • The curriculum that you can see below covers the A2 level, and shows the new grammar points of each lesson. But each lesson also contains reminders of the previous lessons, which makes spaced repetition so you remember what you learn
1. Start speaking French (free masterclass)
2. Goal & causality in spoken French
3. French shortcuts: Master it & them (direct object)
4. to be, imparfait, her, him, me
5. of the, this, this is vs it is (things)
6. passé composé, can & to want
7. adjectives, passé composé with it & them
8. Choose passé composé vs imparfait
9. IR verbs introduction, 2 nouns in a row, these
10. IR verbs continue
11. to come, to hold, if , with vs without
12. that: que vs qui, near past, to know (savoir vs connaitre)
13. to do, some, what in sentences
14. at the, it & them indirect, who
15. must, to be currently doing, that vs it object
16. lots of vs few of, there is, since
17. I like, all, more vs less, what
18. future with IR & RE verbs, ranking, this is vs it is abstract
19. myself, yourself, ..., future with ER verbs
20. If, future with irregular verbs, to stop doing
21. how many, the most vs the least, masculine my, your, ...
22. Conditional, to each other, which
23. Firstly, there is, most of
24. Subjonctive introduction, that's why, the one that
25. mine, yours, ... whom, this one, it depends
26. get ready, at my place
27. every week, mainly, holidays
28. quantities, so do I vs me neither
29. someone vs nobody, to see, happy that & different from
30. tanks to vs because of, to be ready to, to think of

And if you have any questions, you can send them to me here

Relax You Learn French by Thomas Lucet